Rachel Writing Chair

Available in three popular colors – Blue, Grey, and Charcoal – The Rachael Writing Chair adds a splash of personality to any office environment while seamlessly integrating with existing decor schemes.


The Rachael Writing Chair, equipped with castors and a swivel mechanism, offers a versatile and functional seating solution perfect for office hire. Its design prioritises both comfort and mobility, allowing users to effortlessly move around their workspace while maintaining ergonomic support. The inclusion of castors enables smooth movement across various flooring surfaces, facilitating easy transitions between tasks or collaborative work sessions.

Ideal for office environments where flexibility and productivity are key, the writing chair with castors and swivel functionality enhances efficiency and comfort for users. Whether used in individual workstations, conference rooms, or collaborative areas, this chair provides a comfortable and supportive seating option that adapts to the needs of modern office settings. Its sleek design and practical features make it a valuable addition to any workspace seeking to promote mobility and productivity among employees.

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Blue, Charcoal, Grey